Thursday 9 August 2012

READ! -.-

I'm sorry i don't mean to sound rude, but to whoever wrote this crap, on my blog, for my samples, you clearly can't read the credit i gave to MissJudgie !

Do you not see the "TAGGED CODE- BY MISSGJUDGIE:" Part at the top? 

Please get real. I obviously have a life, haven't you learnt about life yet in science? I have all the 7 things required to be alive. And therefor, i have a life. 

Yeah, the codes copied, obviously Copy + Paste, but there's still credit there to MissGJudgie. Please, if you're going to give me hate, then get off my blog. This person in my opinion is pathetic. ^.^ I bet you copy and dont leave credit. So shame on you.

- Mel.

1 comment:

  1. People are stupid like that. they are either 1-blind cuz they didnt see the code or 2- are jealous
